Some downsides of a Mega Church
I've been a member of 5 churches since becoming a Christian. 14 of the 18 years were at two churches, both of them Mega Churches (one much more mega than the other, but nonetheless both qualified). That being said, I see a couple of distinct advantages relating to smaller community churches:
- You typically don't have a work day at a Mega Church (at least we didn't in 14 years) know, you come in Saturday at 8:00 and everyone grabs rags and paint brushes and gets after it for the's great for the kids to get out with mom or dad and sanitize toys in the nursery or paint a railing at the front meet people you don't know very well...have conversations for an hour or more while painting said railing...
- You don't typically pay near as many people to serve at smaller workers...and kitchen help...and housekeeping staff...and sort of gives stewardship an enhanced glow when its not confined to working in Sunday School and money.
- It's nice to see the Pastor and Associate Pastor at said work day. It's nice to have him sit down at a table next to you and eat a sloppy joe and ask your son what he's been working's just nice.
We liked our Mega Church experience...there were lots of programs, lots of places to "plug in", you could even take months off and get lost if you wanted...but when you did plug in, particularly at a high level, you got tons of attention, etc.
I like where we're at now...I like the work days, my daughters serving in's nice.