Sunday, March 18, 2007

Florida Greed Policy Council

Almost a year ago we were invited to a banquet in Orlando to see a friend of our get an award for "grass roots activism". The organization was Florida Family Policy Council (a state level Dobson organization), and their mission is to lobby legislature at the state level about pro-family issues - the greatest of which is marriage between one husband and one wife.

Recently I turned down an invite to this year's banquet. One of my closest friends is on the board, and I confided in him how I hate these things...particularly those that don't necessarily advance the Kingdom. My main rationale involved...a Soveriegn God...and a ministry being able to stand on its own merrit without high pressure banquets featuring the Governor, or some other major speaker.

Well my friend unloaded on me...lovingly, but nonetheless unloaded on me. Not only was I wrong in not supporting his issue, but very wrong.

So I have spent the last week or so prayerfully considering his position, my position, and trying to form a more thoughtful position. So here goes...

First, groups like these tend to polarize the lost - those who need a savior most we tend to drive further away. We tend to, with good intention, make insular cocoons that meet OUR needs & uphold/rank OUR values in order of those we are most capable of keeping (1. Homosexuality 2. Child Abuse 3. Drug Adiction 4....). It all sounds a bit pharasaical to me. Why don't we ever see a Florida Pride Policy Council or a Florida Greed Policy Council? If we are to be God's hands and feet to reach a lost world, then why are we building walls between us and the lost like this?

Second, Christ traveled through Samaria to prove a point to His disciples, who normally made it a point to travel around that geography. He dined with tax collectors, the scourge of the times. He drank water with a prostitute. Samaritans, prostitutes, and tax collectors were the worst of the sinners...this was no accident.

Could the Kingdom be better served if we used these same resources to build bridges to the Homosexual community. If we started with those close to us, maybe those in our family, and went out of our way to go visit them like we do our straight family members. What if we funded missionaries to go into this community. Why can't we work to allow Christ to work the same miracle in them that he works in us?

I'm not saying what Dobson is doing is's just not my method...and I'm not sure it's right either.


Blogger Brent said...

My friends in the group Lost & Found, in their song called The Kingdom, wrote the line:

"Those that are angry take the floor
We know what you fear,
But what are you for?"

What's hard is for me to remember is that The Kingdom is big enough for those that really do believe that government can change people's hearts and thereby influence through legal channels.

Seems to me that's an "outside-in" process, when I personally think the most effective way to go involves "inside out" processes.

6:47 AM

Blogger Hollywood said...

Can you think of any examples of outside in working...

prohibition - nope
drug czar - nope
gun control - nope


2:47 PM


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