1 Corr. 5-8
This has been a tough month. The writings of Paul here are very convicting and he challenges us to hold our brethren accountable. The challenge is doing so with compassion and love, but frankly doing it period in a culture that frankly "just do it" and "me, me, me" are the norm - even in the church. I'm not sure our culture is as bad as 1st Century Corrinth, in fact I'm sure it's not...but I think our church is just as misguided...so now what.
Here are the basic takeways...
Ch. 5 addresses church discipline and the need for church purity. Paul makes it very clear that within the confines of the church, a bad apple spoils the bunch. He's very specific in the area of sexual purity and references one of the members' transgressions...but he's broad enough in his teaching here that I'm very sure that our churches in America today, that claim Christianity as their faith, aren't very good about staying pure...it's all about the numbers today baby...let's not offend anyone shall we. I'm in a Bible study with a group of luke warm men, some of whom could be considered bad apples...I'm really being challenged here.
Ch. 6 talks about settling disputes and specifically staying out of court. I found myself in a discussion with one of my closest friends, who is an attorney, with a "deputy dog" personality...who forwarded me an article about a Christian Librarian who was terminated for outing a library customer for viewing porn at the library. The Liberty counsel is taking up the cause. I'm not sure how the existence of the Liberty Counsel even can be rationalized if you read 1 Corr. 6...Paul says...it's better to be wronged for the cause of Christ than to take someone to court...again, how does my discussion with my lawyer friend (who is a very faithful Christian) build him up...or did I just challenge his career choice?
Ch. 7 addresses married vs. single. Paul gives lots of guidance here. He even differentiates opinion vs. God's instruction...this is helpful.
And Ch. 8, the shortest, but most powerful, addresses freedom in Christ vs. liscence to do whatever, and how we should be more concerned with our Christian brother than our right to do/eat/drink stuff. Very heavy stuff here.
Anyway...I'm still very engaged in the process. 9-12 in April.
Your thoughts are always welcome.