Monday, March 03, 2008

Thoughts on I Corr. 1-4

February was 1 Corr. here are my thoughts...

It's pretty clear Paul is a bit disappointed with the church he planted in Corrinth. They appear to be prideful, catty, malcontents. They seem to want to jockey for position, get the credit for things...and Paul sets them straight.

In essence he says, look, I planted the dadgum church and Appolos has been working with you guys, and compared to Jesus, we consider ourselves nothing. It's all about HIM, and nothing about anyone after him, so quit your jockying for position and "scorekeeping" and start loving each other.

I'm not quite to the love each other part yet, but I know it's coming. Paul spends an inordinate amount of time laying down the law and letting these folks know how pissed off he is at the whole situation.

So March is chapters 5-8. You'd think I'd take more away than this, but I'm working on majoring in the majors.


Blogger Brent said...

What's the Greek word for "dadgum?"

4:28 AM


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