How involved should we be? It's really weighing on me. So allow me to lay out the thought pattern...
On one hand we're called to be salt and light, a beacon on a hill to shine bright in a dark world. We're called to holiness, to pursue our personal convictions as the Holy Spirit has layed on our heart. If we are trained up with a Biblical World View, and find ourselves in a leadership position (a student in the lunch room, a co-worker at work, wherever...leadership can be in many forms....someone asking you...what do you think?), we should lead with our convictions...God would expect nothing less of us.
On the other hand, much of what were called to do above, even if done with the most eloquent of grace, gets immediately thrust into a corner of intollerance...bundled up with the funeral picketers from Kansas...and quickly pushed into a "religious fanatical corner" possibly mentioned in the same breath with the Taliban or the Crusades.
Let's get three dimensional and have a third hand...the Sovereignty of God. If His people pray, pursue their personal convictions (personally), allow others to grow spiritually at the pace God has for them, train up their children to deal with a dark world that may/will get darker before its over, and trust that God will sort things out in the end AND along the way...isn't that what got us from the 60's to now...isn't that how we arrived in a post-modern culture where a public school system that was created to teach children to read the Bible, now shuns all things Christian as non-inclusive. Isn't this why historical landmarks throughout the country, that claim our Creator as the Sovereign ruller of our country and it's history are being torn down one by one by the this happening because Christians are sitting idly by? Or, is this happening because a dark world is getting part of His plan?
So do we get active? If so, how active? The AFA although working diligently to not allow the 60's and 70's to repeat with different issues (most visible homosexuality), appears to have a following of 100,000 strong (me being one, who signed on 2 years ago because it seemed like a worthy cause). What about Dobson (Focus on the Family)? Or Falwell? How effective are they (or we)? Have we done more harm than good?
But what about convictions and TRUTH? Are we doing tremendous good as His "hands & feet"?
And let me be clear, I'm not talking about running for office. I'm just talking about discussions around the water cooler, with a lost world.
That's where I am right now. Praying for guidance. Desiring to lead. Asking for wisdom, so when my kids bring this up, I know where to point them. Wanting to be equally yoked on this with those close to me. That's where I'm at.