Where do you stand?
When do you take a stand?
This guy in Missouri has gone too far.
http://www.theledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070421/NEWS/704210394/1021/LIFE05But, then again, I think Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz, goes too far too.
So, where do you draw the line (or should you even consider a line)?
If a church asks its youth workers to hold to Biblical standards of conduct in an effort to set a positive yet REAL example for its young people, is that too far? Is it far enough? What if they ask their workers not to attend rated R movies? Or go to the local casino? Or drink an adult beverage with dinner while out in town? or in their home? Or purchase/read an adult magazine while filling up at the gas station?
You see, some of these are way over the edge and would never be addressed Biblically, because the temptation wasn't there. Albeit the sin took place in the mind, there just weren't as many places for it to fester or manifest itself into reality back in Bible times. So now we have all these options...choices. And we have GRACE and Freedom in Christ...not liscence, but freedom. But I'm not talking about me...that's easy.
The real question is...How does one who is responsible for choosing leaders...a board member, a youth pastor, a deacon...set standards for choosing leaders.
The disciples were not permitted to go out from Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit entered into them...they were told to stay put (pretty legalistic if you ask me - read sarcasm). This was done for the overall benefit of the program. So, when we choose leaders in church...or teachers at a Christian School...or Nursery workers...how do you set standards without coming across as a legalist?
Maybe God never intended Christian organizations to get this large. If it's so big that you just don't know, or can't TELL, then maybe it's too big (just thinking while I write).
You see, I've been great with following rules as set by organizations. If there's no gum chewing, then I'm not terribly rebellious...I don't chew gum. But the problem now is...
I'm in authority. I, with the help of others, am being asked to help set the rules...the standard of conduct...for those who work with children...
...and I'm struggling.