Thursday, October 05, 2006


I subscribe to two business periodicals (Business 2.0 and Harvard Business Review), and both recent issues had feature articles on sleep deprivation.

One detailed "nap cafe's" in Manhattan, where for $14/hr. you can climb in this cave with headphones and recharge.

The other detailed the corporate responsibility of ensuring executives and management don't burn the candle down too low...with horror stories like a man taking the redeye from the west coast to participate in a M&A meeting in NYC at 8:00 am.

Both articles drew comparisons to driving drunk or drug use and claimed executives who consistently work 80 hour weeks (sleep on average 4 hrs. per night) are equally as dangerous as one who gets behind the wheel of a car after too much to drink.

The data was compelling too: in 1950 Americans averaged just over 8 hours per night of sleep. In 2000 that figure is down close to 6 hours per night. Pre 1950 was pretty consistent...with a slow drop till 1980 and a drastic drop since.

I'm feeling it now. After a round trip to Guatemala, followed by a round trip to Miami, with a mad rush to finish end of month/quarter financials before the 10th...I'm running out of gas with the mad rush staring me in the face.

I'm going to bed now...Good night.


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