Two books
I had breakfast with a new friend the other day. He's at Westminster Seminary, getting his masters in Theology, is working on writing a book, and is trying to get into Harvard to get his Theology PhD...which according to him is a long shot, but he's one of the brightest guys I, who knows.
Anyway, as you can imagine, I wasn't too jazzed about his book idea. Let's just put it this way, if you don't know Greek and Hebrew, you may not be interested.
But I did give him two very practical ideas I struggle with, and suggested he get after these two:
1. "The balance between wealth acquisition and missions". Where is the balance between providing for your family, paying for college, weddings, etc. and supporting every need that comes accross your plate. Literally, and I'm not kidding, I feel like I could give it ALL away, and they'd be great causes, but at the expense of what? And I'd want a large section dedicated to organizational wealth. When does a church decide they need a family life center or larger sanctuary? When does a Christian School expand and to what degree?
2. "Engaging the culture without compromising convictions" (with special emphasis on teaching children about setting boundaries and standards). This one should be easy for someone, but the challenge will be providing guidelines without writing "laws". However, I would like specific fact this would be great if it were written like a story, maybe a father son, working through all the specifics we struggle through, and using biblical references to support Dad's teaching.
Unfortunately, my friend nodded politely and is progressing with the Hebrew thing. Oh well. Maybe Brent will post on one of these if they peak his interest.