Tuesday, January 02, 2007


It seems as though Rudy Guliani made a huge blunder recently. He held a strategy session in NYC at a posh hotel and detailed his "war plan" for a pending 2008 Presidential Run. Well, Rudy left the final battle plan in the room and the nice folks at the hotel gave it to the press...


All of his perceived "weaknesses to overcome" are listed in bullet form...like...

- bad split with ex-wife number 3
- ex-wife number 2 has some baggage on me
- shaddy private business prior to Mayoral gig
- liberal social leanings may be an issue in Republican primary


stuff like how much money he'll need to run ($100 million in 2007 alone).

Well, if you ask me, this is no blunder...it's brilliant! Get all your dirt out early. Let people hash through it, pick it over, discuss it, and then say..."that's ok Rudy, you did a great job cleaning up NYC, you did a great job with 9/11, nobody is perfect...we want you anyway...and, oh, here's our part of the $100 million you need."

This guy is pretty darn smart if you ask me.


Blogger Brent said...

He might be smart politically, but he'd be smarter if he'd made a few wiser decisions in his younger life.

7:52 AM


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