Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Dear (older relative),

I love you!

I realize from your perspective, it may not seem that way, because I haven’t been very nice. Please allow me some leeway to explain. The analogy may not seem apropos as you are not my child, but I think you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

If I see (oldest daughter) driving recklessly, I will have a discussion with her that will more than likely lead to me taking her car away for a period of time. If she pushes back, or argues with me, I may even raise my voice to express my authority and seriousness of my feelings. This entire event will take place because I love her. I love her so much so that I want her to learn that reckless driving is totally unacceptable. It’s unacceptable for her own good and for the good of those on the road around her. From (oldest daughter's) perspective, in this instance, I wasn’t being very nice. She’ll probably complain to her friends about what a jerk her Dad is. But my love for her is steadfast and true. I love her enough to be firm.

When it comes to your spirit, it’s because I love you that I get so passionate about where you will spend eternity. And frankly, I’ve done a terrible job communicating that passion and love.

Because God’s timing is perfect, I can’t help but know that Sunday’s message was delivered directly to us (you and me). And Pastor did a great job laying out the truth where I’ve fallen short. He also did a great job convicting me that I can’t be your Holy Spirit…so I’m officially resigning from that position (not that I ever really had it). I’ve given you a copy of it on this CD…it would mean a lot to me if you would listen to it.

I apologize if I hurt you…that has never been my intent.

Finally, I’ve learned a very important lesson in this. It’s ok if we aren’t them same. We’ll have different interests, different friends, different vacations, and different likes and dislikes…and frankly, I’m very cool with that.

I love you,


Blogger Brent said...

Man, what's going on that you're having all these run ins with your relatives?

5:20 AM

Blogger Hollywood said...

Same relative...just documenting the experiences...

Note to Diner Management...avoid prolonged vacations with relatives who have lifestyle differences.

12:55 PM


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