Wednesday, May 14, 2008

More from 1 Corr.

May has been 1 Corr. 13 - 16.

Funny how timing works out. Recently I got under my friend Brent's skin (his words were, I pushed his hot button) by holding some well known Emergent Authors accountable for their words. I believe words mean things and the larger the audience, the more accountable you need to be (take note Joel Osteen and Charles Barkley).

So, I guess, if you were an outsider (being anyone else other than my friend and I who read this blog) and you caught the banter, you might guess...Hollywood has some Prophet tendancies and Brent has some Mercy tendencies and those were at odds here.

Then we read Ch. 13.

Side note: I find it amazing (again) how out of context this Chapter has been used, including by yours truly, at weddings, to send to boyfriends and girlfriends, etc. It's smack in the middle of a 4 chapter diatribe by Paul on Spiritual gifts and how the Church needs them all.

Anyway, Paul goes into great detail to say "I don't care where your gift is, if it's not wrapped in Love, then back down!"

That's kind of what my friend Brent was saying to me.

(Flips lid in Brent's direction, while saying too-shee.)


Blogger Brent said...

None of the authors you mentioned are "E"mergent authors. They might be part of the "e"merging generation, but they're two different things. Be careful not to lump the two together.

And, love is the be-all end-all of the spiritual life. 1 Timothy 1:5 says so. Anything short of that is trifling with God...and to reduce the spiritual life to means and ends that fall short of that is something I'll fight passionately until I can't breathe anymore.

5:56 AM


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