Thursday, June 22, 2006

But it's not a sin!

Why are we Christians so enamored with how close we can get to sin, without actually sinning? Let me paint a picture. Our behavior, the choices we make day to day, is placed on a line with holiness being at the far right and sin being at the far left. Pure holiness, like Jesus, is unattainable, but seeking God's favor in day in and day out choices is attainable. The prevalent Christian thought of the day is to see how far down the line we can get toward sin, without actually sinning, and still get away with it.

Examples can be found in the music we listen to (not actually sin, just a choice), what we eat and drink (not sin, just choices), movies we see (not sin, just choices), language we use (not the grand-daddies - as George Carlin would say - but sucks and crap and piss me get the point). In all these cases, many Christians, waving their "It's all about Grace" flag, will push the envelope of behavior, to skirt the edge of "poor choice", never once asking themselves..."is this activity welcoming favor from my Holy Father in Heaven, or is He shaking his head in dissappointment?"

I would argue that many Christians are well intentioned with this mind set. They are hoping to "reach" a lost world by engrossing themselves in the culture. But this doesn't seem to have Biblical merrit. In fact, Paul and Timothy and Peter and Stephen and Barnabas all were change agents, persecuted for their radical deviation from the prevaling culture.

It's hard, in today's culture, for me to distinguish a "good" Chrisitian (one who is living a Spirit filled life) from a "good" pagan at my workplace, school, university, or grocery store. This can't be a good thing.

So, what do you think?


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